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We have won the Grand Champion award 4 times in national and international BBQ competitions held under the auspices of KCBS with our own developed spices.
Infinite possibility in a spice mix. Chicken wings, tighs, breast or other poultry parts, this spice mix makes them magnificent.
This spice mix is ideal for all kinds of winged animals. If you thought you knew everything about poultry spices you are in for a surprise. The SunCity BBQ Poultry Spice Mix turns even the drier parts of any poultry to juicy and perfect. Ideally balanced taste for you and everyone who loves grilling. Fire up the grill and on with the chicken!
Recommended use: Rub the meat evenly with the spice mix 1-2 hours before grilling. Add a little oil to make it perfect.
Átlagos tápérték 100 g termékben:
Energia 392 kJ/ 94 kcalZsír: 3,0 gamelyből telített zsírsavak: 0,5 gSzénhidrát: 4,7 g-amelyből cukrok: 1,9 gFehérje: 6,6 gSó: 61,7 gÖsszetevők: étkezési só, fűszerpaprika őrölt, fokhagyma granulátum, roppantott feketebors, vöröshagyma dara, őrölt koriander, fűszerek. Ízfokozó: nátrium-glutamát (1%).