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We have won the Grand Champion award 4 times in national and international BBQ competitions held under the auspices of KCBS with our own developed spices.
This rub is special for the paprika of Szeged, two types of brown sugar, chili flakes and some exotic spices.
Imagine a brisket covered with crimson red seasoning and that the brown sugar caramelizes on top of it. Exotic spices emit wonderful fragrances. This BBQ will be perfect! You only need the Brisket Rub and some lovely beef.
The BRISKET RUB is one of my self-developed spice mixes that I used on KCBS organized BBQ competetions in Hungary and abroad. I’d like to think that this rub was essential for winning 4 times the Grand Champion Award.
Are you ready to be the champion?
"Átlagos tápérték 100 g termékben:Energia 1103 kJ/ 262 kcalZsír: 3,1 g-amelyből telített zsírsavak: 0,5 gSzénhidrát: 45,4 g-amelyből cukrok: 34,9 gFehérje: 6,2 gSó: 20,0 gÖsszetevők: barna cukor ( Dry Demerara), tengeri só, roppantott feketebors, fűszerpaprika dara, őrölt fűszerpaprika, fokhagyma granulátum, fűszerek."