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We have won the Grand Champion award 4 times in national and international BBQ competitions held under the auspices of KCBS with our own developed spices.
Salt, pepper and everything that is good. A bit of garlic and a few spices make the Texan BBQ incredibly tasty.
Hands up if you love the traditional, absolutely American barbecue food. If you do, then this rub is a must have. Beef, pork, chicken doesn’t matter which one, this rub can make everything taste like America. Besides the salt and pepper the garlic plays the main role with some other spices. Texas will come to your garden if you are using this rub at the BBQ.
The TEXAS RUB is one of my self-developed spice mixes that I used on KCBS organized BBQ competetions in Hungary and abroad. I’d like to think that this rub was essential for winning 4 times the Grand Champion Award.
America in your home? No problem, you just need some Texas Rub.
Átlagos tápérték 100 g termékben:
Energia 744 kJ/ 177 kcal
Zsír: 2,2 g -amelyből telített zsírsavak: 0,2 g Szénhidrát: 28,0 g -amelyből cukrok: 16,5 g Fehérje: 6,7 gSó: 44,5 gÖsszetevők: tengeri só, roppantott feketebors, barna cukor ( Dry Demerara), fokhagyma granulátum, őrölt koriander, őrölt mustármag, fűszerek, ízfokozó: nátrium-glutamát (1%).